Sunday, January 13, 2008

Other Parenting Businesses

Hey Girls.

I just ordered each of you a copy of the Baby Songs dvd. It will arrive to your home within a week. While this dvd is geared for children, and our market will be adults, the thing that strikes me about it is how "homemade" looking it is. Our product doesn't have to be a sleek Hollywood production. It can just be real moms and real babies in their "natural habitats." (-: Also, check out their website at, especially the "who we are" and "resources" links.

Another dvd series that relates to ours is the Signing Times line of videos, products and resources. Signing Times has a more polished look than Baby Songs, but still is totally homemade by real moms and dads. Check out their website at

Love to you both, Ta

Here is another parenting resources:
Check out my girlfriend (former teacher across the hallway!) that took our list (attached) and made this website!

Love, Nea

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